Download Day - English

June 17th is 'Download Day' - the official release date for Firefox 3. Firefox have decided to try and set a world record for the highest number of downloads in one day by publicising the release day for the new Firefox 3 as Download Day 2008. To take part all you have to do is download Firefox - Simple huh?

As a user of Ubuntu Hardy I've already been introduced to the relevent merits of Firefox 3 as the beta version comes bundled with the Ubuntu Hardy package. I've now been using it as my primary browser for the past month or so with no problems at all. The first thing I noticed about the new version of Firefox was that it appeared to run a lot faster than the older version - a definate plus for computer impatient people like myself - this is a real boom when using it for web developing - especially when constantly refreshing to check changes.

My one gripe with the beta version was that many of the addons that I use were not ported and were not compatible - not really a problem at all - this is something that will obviously change with the production version as addon authors update to be compatible with the new version.

So if you're already a user of Firefox 2 or want to upgrade your internet explorer to something a little better, why not update tomorrow and be a part of a new world record.